All are eager to begin the jungle tracking lead by Haji Silah.
We gathered at the camp and start our journey.
Before starting our journey.
Our photographers leading the way.
The first stop.
Haji Silah wanted to show something to us while on the way.
Actually it was the wild frog eggs.
Haji Silah give brief explanation about the flora.
Climbing quite a steep slope needs cautious precautions.
Idris Talu - slow and steady, climbing the first slope on the journey.
Facing the first steep slope on the tracking route.
The strength of 55-year-old man.
Young trackers were following me.
The first group of labisa pumila - "kacip fatimah" the female version of "tongkat ali."
Haji Silah stopped us to give his information about the flora in Royal Belum jungle.
Another briefing by Haji Silah.
Wonderful form of flora inside Royal Belum jungle that you can't find in Taman Meru!
Haji Silah differentiate to us the differences between "serdang" and "palas". Some times you got caught to buy "serdang" leaves during "Hari Raya" session to make ketupat. You only can use "palas" leaves to make "ketupat", not "serdang" leaves.
Haji Silah explained to us about "damar".
Now we are moving downward. Soft earth and slippery dry-leaves made the journey a bit dangerous.
More precaution needed in taking steep slope.
Another steep slope.
We were at almost flat track.
Special kind of flora in Royal Belum.
The hide made by wild boar.
Big trees in the jungle.
Taking photographs session.
Another photograph.
And another damar tree.
Idris Talu found something intresting infront.
Time for checking leeches - the blood suckers.
Still not finish.
Haji Silah always happy performing his duty in the jungle.
Without him, I think our journey will be hard and more difficult.
Another stop for briefing by Haji Silah.
Haji Silah showing something about the flora to us.
Special show.
We continued our journey.
Wonderful view inside the jungle.
Same scenery inside Royal Belum.
A bit tired, but still very intresting exploration.
Haji Silah stopped us to give more valuable information, normally about the flora.
We hear it closely.
Another wonderful view inside Royal Belum.
A lot of things to be briefed out by Haji Silah.
We never hesitate to hear all the info from him.
Huge trees in Royal Belum.
Another steep slope awaiting for us.
Climbing slope with rattans every where.
Another labisa pumila
- "kacip fatimah". Actually I knew where you can find a lot of labisa pumila.Very seldom you can find an old man like me to do jungle tracking.
"Buat ape?" as always they asked. When I did my MBA, they asked the same question. Full stop!
Rattans lying and floating every where here in Royal Belum. If the rattans can speak to you, they will say,"This is my place, you know! I will do what ever I like!"
Another intresting object found. You like to know, ok, you can follow us on the next trip. Haji Silah will not hesitate to explain to you.
Really intresting...but I rather hold the secret.
Idris Talu and Ikhwandee seriously digesting information from Haji Silah.
He almost knew every thing about the flora and fauna of the jungle.
So may things to be explained.
As you can see, my shirt - sweating.
Our faces telling you the real stories - we were very happy
For sure Ikhwandee will remember this moment,
even though he was not with OUM any more.
Happy in the Royal Belum jungle.
Royal Belum.
Finally we found very strong "tongkat ali" (Eurycoma longifolia) or "pasak bumi".
This plant has become popular especially in Asian region for its alleged testosterone enhancing properties. It had been used in this region as antimalaria, antiulcer, cytotoxic and aphrodisiac.
One thing for sure, you will never get tired if you are doing what you really like it.
A lot of "langkap" trees found here.
Steep slope in front. Difficult to go through, but it manageabled.
Haji Silah showing something new.
We reached one of the target locations.
Rafflesia buds beginning to bloom.
A lot of rafflesia buds were found here.
Some of us feel a bit frustrated - the buds not the blooming rafflesia found.
We really careful not to step on the buds.
The rafflesia bud - so big aaaa?
Comparison between rafflesia bud and my real thumb.
You can't find these in Taman Meru.
Idris Talu, is it raining?
I saw your shirt wet! Don't perli haaah!
Climbing slope again?
Why asking? You want to stay here forever?
We were helping each other.
Going down the slope ain't easy job you know!
The last steep slope before reaching the camp.
So intresting journey but so tired too.
And after the tracking journey,
I remembered a song lyric by The Beatle, "Sleep like a log....."
Copyrights of all photos shown in this trip are belong to the photographers - En Azmi Jamaludin and En. Azizan Jamaludin. Special thanks to both photographers for sharing the photos with us.
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