While some of us busy taking bath, activities in the kitchen must go on. Preparation for dinner runs smoothly. I like to make busy chatting around, looking at the fresh-water fish. Tengalan, sebarau, terbul and many other species of fish which will be fried or grilled with special herbs.

The fish must be re-positioned to avoid over-cooked.
Taking photographs is my hobby. Another photographer took my photo while taking photographs.
It's me - posing with the fish.
En. Azizan also like to help "panggang ikan".
"Kono air asam, pocah salero Den!"
Almost ready for dinner.
With proper sauce, you can't see your mother-in-law passing by (at the back lah...)Helping hands. It really nice while it is still hot!
Why not we try a bit! Really nice! You want to try some? You have to come here - to Royal Belum. Belum Lama = baru (new), Belum Baru =? I don't know.
Can you see there are two pieces of thick belacan beside the tengalan? That was for the sambal cicah.
Some vegetables for the dinner.
Busy in the kitchen.
Busy cooking.
Buah beka - Oroxylum indicum - also known as broken bones plant, Indian calosanthes, trumpet flower. Can be found in South China, India, Indo-China, and Malaysia.
Buat kerabu....best, meleleh air liur! Prof Dr Adilah and her daughter preparing "rojak buah" before dinner is ready.
Helping hands for preparing fruits salad.
Kita makan rojak dulu.
Nice manggo.
Prof Dr Adilla and Haji Azlan - coordinating the XPDC.
Makan rojak.....
Selera jugak rojak buah ni.....
Ok, dinner is ready. No hurry.......enough food for every body.
Food are plenty.
Why every body keep quite? No talking, why? Great taste of tengalan with sambal.Enjoy our food in Royal Belum.
Tourists knew where to go to enjoy the great nature in Royal Belum. Did we?
Chit chats after dinner.
Haji Silah play his vital role in explaining to the tourists what they really need to know. Good explanation by Haji Silah.
We got some thing for supper.
After Isyak prayer, some of us came down from our “bungalows” continues exchanging experiences. The sound of near by stream heard as an instrumental nature music to us.
Having our supper in the middle of jungle - Royal Belum
We were wondering, tourists from abroad - USA, UK, and other part of Europe came over here to enjoy the rich nature that we have, and we said, "takpe lah (never mind)."
Copyrights of all photos shown in this trip are belong to the photographers - En Azmi Jamaludin and En. Azizan Jamaludin. Special thanks to both photographers for sharing the photos with us.
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