Courtesy: The Star Malaysia
Monday October 26, 2009
PETALING JAYA: Malaysia Air-lines (MAS) was ranked eighth best in the world by the dedicated travel magazine for Asia, Smart Travel Asia.
This sees the national carrier in a tie with Lufthansa and moving up one rank from last year.
MAS managing director/chief executive officer Tengku Datuk Azmil Zahruddin said:
“Once again, we are amongst the world’s top 10 best airlines and have moved up one rank as we continue to focus on what matters most to our customers.
“We will remain focused on doing ordinary things that matter most to customers extraordinarily well.
“We are committed to providing our customers with a seamless travel experience.
“One of our key initiatives is introducing new aircraft.
“Our customers will be amongst the first to enjoy the new, spacious 737-800 Boeing Sky Interior as we are the second airline in the world to take delivery of the aircraft beginning next year.
“We will also begin flying the A380 in 2011 and are currently reviewing orders for widebody aircraft.”
In two other categories, MAS ranked fifth in Top 10 Airlines, Cabin Service, and eighth in Top 10 Airlines Business Class.
The Best in Travel 2009 Poll by Smart Travel Asia is all about readers’ perceptions and favourite travel brands and ran for three months from May.
The selection criteria was based on a combination of actual travel experience, word-of-mouth and an idea of the brand drawn from advertising and editorial exposure in the media, primarily online.
Voters of the poll took an average 12.84 air trips over the past 12 months and 60% are based in Asia, 20% from Europe and 20% from America.
Meanwhile, MAS will be upgrading its reservations system from 11pm on Oct 31 till 12noon on Nov 1.
During the system upgrade, the reservations and ticketing services at the call centre, ticket offices and the web booking facility will be inaccessible.
However, all other services, including check-in, remains accessible.
“The upgrade will take 13 hours and we are doing this over the weekend to minimise any inconvenience to our passengers.
“To ensure a seamless travel experience, we encourage customers to complete all their travel requirements before Oct 31,” said MAS’ general manager, transition management, Mohd Salleh Ahmad Tabrani.
Customers are encouraged to call the call centre at 1-300-88-3000 and provide their mobile numbers to enable the airline to contact them promptly should there be any changes to their flight.
Passengers who have yet to purchase their tickets can take advantage of MAS’ Get-the-Deal offering low fares to global destinations as well as attractive Weekend Getaway Fares.
Best Airlines Worldwide 2009
1. Singapore Airlines
2. Cathay Pacific Airways
3. Thai Airways International
4. Emirates, Virgin Atlantic
5. British Airways
6. Jet Airways
7. Japan Airlines
8.Malaysia Airlines, Lufthansa
9. Qantas
10. Air France, Qatar Airways
Courtesy: The Star Malaysia
TERIMA KASIH - شكرا لك - THANK YOU - ありがとうございました - 谢谢您 - Teşekkürler - Mulţumesc - Obrigado
Ahad, 25 Oktober 2009
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