Rabu, 1 Julai 2009

Royal Belum Part3 - Preparation for the night

By Idris Talu

Came back from visiting the Orang Asli, some of us like to sleep in our own tents. Not much time left, it is going be dark soon. So we hurry up put up our tents.

Busy on focusing my camera, I was not aware that some body was focusing his camera on me.

Focusing my camera.

Not realised some body focusing his camera on me.

Beside the river.

Some of the "bungalows" in the jungle.

We put up our tents, near to the stream.
Enjoying the real sound of flowing water from the jungle.

Sungai Paloh - a nice place for camping.

Sungai Paloh.

Camping by the river side.

Some of us camping beside the stream.

Smokes to hinder insects.

Nice stream flowing slowly beside the camp.

Beautiful stream.

Changing ideas with foreign tourists.

They really like the place and wanted it to maintained as it is - without too much modern facilities.

Taking bath in a cool jungle's pool. You can find it here only

After a hard day, we took bath in a pool beside the camping area.

Haji Azlan and Prof Dr Adilah relaxing after completion of preparation.

Copyrights of all photos shown in this trip are belong to the photographers - En Azmi Jamaludin and En. Azizan Jamaludin.

Special thanks to both photographers for sharing the photos with us.

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