Rabu, 1 Julai 2009

Royal Belum Part1 - Jetty to Camp

By Idris Talu

I came to know about the XPDC from Haji Azlan. He had asked me whether I want to joint it or not. As a pensioner, rather than not doing any thing, I think it is good for me to participate in the exploration.

I came alone to the jetty and than joint the group. When every thing is ready, we loaded up our things inside the boats.

After having breakfast at the nearby stalls, we proceed to the camp where we are going stay for two nights.

This is the jetty at Pulau Banding. There is a police station here and a few stall providing foods and other accessories to the tourists.

Part of Banding's Jetty

We are ready inside the boat to go the camp – Royal Belum – in the jungle.

Prof Dr Adilla and family in one boat.

Still taking photos. My new habit in retirement.

Licenced boat you know!

We start moving.
Early morning in Tasek Temengor at Banding.

Here, we are.

The jetty we left behind.

Far behind - The Banding Bridge

- part of East-West Highway from Perak to Kelantan.

Clear water of Lake Temengor at Banding.

Beautiful scene in the early morning in Lake Temengor. Some people called it Lake Banding, I asked back, why Pahang people didn't call Pahang Sea instead of South China Sea, or Johorean may call Johor Sea because the sea is at their beaches?

Virgin forest beside the lake.

On the way to our camp, a group of people kayaking in the lake.

We are almost reach the destination. Not too long I think.

Here we are. The destination.

I started to carry my things to the camp.

Nice place for relaxing our mind.

We have to stay here during our exploration.

"Sahabat Alam (Nature's Friend)" - is our camp.

"Sahabat Alam" is situated at Sungai Paloh, Belum valley.

This is the biggest "bungalow" you can find here.

Copyrights of all photos shown in this trip are belong to the photographers - En Azmi Jamaludin and En. Azizan Jamaludin. Special thanks to both photographers for sharing the photos with us.

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