Isnin, 6 Julai 2009

Lata Kekabu - Revisit2 - River

By Idris Talu
The attractions of Lata Kekabu are the river, the cascading waterfalls and deep pools in between its.

Photo 1. - There is place where river flows slowly.

Photo 2. - So calm and quite too.

Photo 3. - One of the pools.

Photo 4. - One of cascading waterfalls.

Photo 5. - A siries of pools.

Photo 6. - The same pools.

Photo 7. - A big pool. Almost ten feet depth.

Photo 8. The same pool.

Photo 9. - Another pool.

Photo 10. - How nice this waterfall?

Photo 11. - My youngest son – Ikram, after taking a nap, feel lazy to take a bath.

Photo 12. - The huge trunk and the roots.

Photo 13. - A very nice view of Lata Kekabu.

We should appreciate and thankful to the management of Lata Kekabu - Hulu Perak Forest Department and other related departments.

Thank you.


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